Useful Tips to Create a Stylish Meadow Garden

As the summer comes to a close it is time the perfect time to start planning for next year, if you are considering a meadow in your garden have a read of the below of another very welcome guest blog from Jackie Edwards, a former health coach, who recently has taken a step back and become a writer.


Meadow gardens are all the rage across the UK at the moment with even the Duchess of Cornwall making plans for a wildflower meadow.  There are many reasons why meadow gardens are so popular at the moment including an increased desire among the general population to be in closer contact with nature. Although meadow gardens have a reputation for being significantly less-manicured than your typical garden, there is no need why they can’t be every bit as stylish, albeit in a more whimsical sense of the word. Here are a few ways how you can go about creating a beautiful meadow garden with a stylish twist.

Plant a variety of grasses

Although simply allowing your grass to grow will undoubtedly lend a meadowy feel to it, there are other things you can do as well to ensure it not only looks beautiful but attracts an array of wildlife as well. Plant a variety of grasses that will lend height to your lawn and make it appear more interesting. Conduct some research to establish that types of grass not only grow well together but are also suitable to the region you live in. A thyme lawn is particularly vibrant and stylish especially when combined with chamomile. Both these options are also low-maintenance which makes them the perfect choice for a gardener with plenty of other commitments. If you want to increase the diversity of your wildflowers, you can even sow them directly onto your lawn.

Create a focal point

Another way to add a dash of style to your meadow garden is to create a striking focal point within it. Although there is no rulebook that states how you should go about creating such a focal point, there are a number of popular choices that are worth considering. If you have an exposed section of old wall in your garden you can create a very inviting point of interest by planting a selection of wildflowers around the wall and even setting up some garden furniture in front of it. Other focal points to consider include a water feature, birdbath, or a garden gazebo. For a more dramatic look, opt for angular sculptures or stylized patio furniture that will create a stark contrast to the soft, fluid lines of the rest of the garden.

Picture courtesy of McGeachy Garden Design


Opt for stylish colours

While meadows typically boast a variety of flowers that are not growing in any particular pattern, you may want to put more thought into your flower choices if you want your garden to have a stylish appeal.  Choose your flower colour palette carefully if you want to create a stylish or dramatic look. White flowers such as foxglove are very elegant and work extremely well with the purple hues of Wild Angelica and Cow Parsley. Yellow flowers are great at providing highlights especially when lighter shades are used. You can even create ultra-stylish colour blocks with Meadow Buttercup and Yellow Iris. If softer hues are more your idea of style, choose gentle pinks and blue, adding some white for a dash of brightness.

Meadow gardens are enjoying a considerable surge in popularity in the UK. By following a few easy guidelines anyone can create a stylish piece of meadow right in their own backyard.  Of course you can also take a look at the rest of the Wildflower Turf website and choose to lay Wildflower Turf too.